Friday, August 29, 2008

Baltic Blog......Security & Intelligence Briefs, International, Baltic & Russia News August 30, 2008

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August 27, 2008
2008 Threat Season Heats Up

By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart
Summer has arrived, bringing with it rumors of attacks against the U.S. homeland. Currently, we are hearing unconfirmed word of plans in place for jihadists to be dispatched from Pakistan to conduct coordinated suicide attacks against soft targets in as many as 10 U.S. cities.
This year, the rumors seem to be emerging a little later and with a little less fanfare than last year, when we saw a number of highly publicized warnings, such as that from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and a National Intelligence Estimate saying al Qaeda was gaining strength. Last year also brought warnings from a former Israeli counterterrorism official that al Qaeda was planning a simultaneous attack against five to seven American cities, and of a dirty bomb attack against New York.
These warnings were followed by the Sept. 7, 2007, release of a video message from Osama bin Laden, who had been unseen on video since October 2004 or heard on audiotape since July 2006. Some were convinced that his reappearance — and veiled threat — signaled a looming attack against the United States, or a message to supporters to commence attacks.
However, in spite of all these warnings — and bin Laden’s reappearance — no attack occurred last summer or autumn on U.S. soil. As we discussed last October, there are a number of reasons why such an attack did not happen.
We are currently working to collect more information regarding this summer’s rumors. So far we cannot gauge their credibility, but they pique our interest for several reasons. First is the issue of timing, and second is the ease with which such attacks could be coordinated.
Timing is Everything
It is a busy time in U.S. politics. The Democratic National Convention (DNC) takes place this week in Denver, and the Republican National Convention (RNC) takes place next week in St. Paul, Minn. After these conventions, politics will be on the front page until the November elections. In addition, Americans are returning from summer vacations, with schools and universities resuming classes. The anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is also coming up.
While the al Qaeda core generally conduct operations when they are ready — rather than according to external calendars and anniversaries — their pattern of releasing statements on the 9/11 anniversary demonstrates their awareness of its significance and the painful emotions it evokes in the American psyche.
In 2004, just days before the U.S. presidential election, Osama bin Laden made a rare video appearance. In the video, he said al Qaeda’s problem was not with the two candidates, George Bush or John Kerry, but with U.S. policy regarding the Muslim world and the situations in Iraq and Israel. Bin Laden also pointed out that neither Bush nor Kerry could be trusted to keep the United States secure from more attacks. By creating such a message and releasing it at that time, bin Laden was demonstrating his organization’s understanding of the U.S. presidential election dynamic.
Furthermore, the al Qaeda core has historically planned or supported substantial operations in advance of elections. In 2004 we saw this with the Madrid train bombings, which took place prior to Spanish elections. Several other plots might also fall into category. In the summer of 2004, for example, we saw a plot to target a number of financial targets in the U.S. thwarted.
Another election-year attempt was the 2006 al Qaeda-tied plot against a series of airline flights originating from London’s Heathrow airport. While the plot was hatched in the United Kingdom, the selection of flights bound for Washington, Chicago, San Francisco and New York meant that the attack was actually targeted primarily against the United States. For perspective, we look at Operation Bojinka in the mid-1990s, the predecessor to the 2006 plot. Although planned to be launched from Asia, the plot was clearly an attack against the United States.
In another example, Jose Padilla was arrested in May 2002, a congressional election year, as he attempted to enter the United States. Padilla, according to the interrogation of captured al Qaeda member Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, had been sent to there to conduct attacks.
Attacks certainly occur in non-election years (and plots have been thwarted in off years), but the fact remains that jihadists appear mindful of election cycles in the United States. And al Qaeda is not alone in this thinking. Grassroots al Qaeda sympathizers have also attempted to interfere in election-related events. In August 2004, on the eve of the RNC in New York, authorities arrested a Pakistani man and his Pakistan-born U.S. citizen accomplice who claimed they were planning to attack a subway station in Manhattan two blocks from RNC site. The men were later convicted for the plot, with the main organizer receiving a 30-year sentence.
Speaking of elections, it is also interesting to consider that the last two U.S. presidents were forced to deal with jihadist strikes on American soil shortly after assuming office. Bill Clinton was inaugurated in January 1993, and the World Trade Center was bombed in late February 1993. George W. Bush was inaugurated in January 2001, and the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked in September 2001. In all likelihood this is a coincidence, but it is worth watching to see if the trend continues in 2009.
Of course, let’s put this in perspective. In the last 15 years — election year or not –- there has rarely been a time when some jihadist somewhere was not planning an attack against the United States. However, the al Qaeda core organization clearly attempted to conduct major attacks in 2002, 2004 and 2006, all of which were election years. These attempts (other than Madrid) were all thwarted. The fact that we haven’t seen an attempt during this year’s election cycle has us watchful — we sense that there must be plot out there somewhere.
Ease of Attack
Another thing that interests us about recent rumors is the concept behind the alleged plot: the simple and elegant idea of sending 10 independent actors to 10 cities. One factor that has sunk many past jihadist plots against the United States has been poor operational security and poor terrorist tradecraft. These mistakes have allowed U.S. authorities to identify and shut down the militant networks involved.
By using compartmentalized operatives, militants could more easily circumvent counterterrorist efforts. Furthermore, even if one or more of the operatives were detected and arrested by authorities, details of the operation at large would not be compromised. Each operative would only know about his own particular targeting instructions and would be unable to provide other details if captured.
In such a case, al Qaeda would most likely attempt to dispatch 10 “clean skin” operatives (those not obviously associated with the group) who are trained to construct improvised explosive devices using readily available materials and ultimately willing to undertake martyrdom missions. Due to changes in the immigration processes since the 2001 attacks, these operatives will likely be Westerners — U.S., Canadian or European citizens able to travel to the United States without the need to obtain a visa.
Recruiting such operatives could be easier that one might expect. Thousands of potential candidates who currently attend militant madrassas in Pakistan (including somewhere from 500 to 1,000 U.S. citizens) fit this description. In fact, no one really knows how many of these potential jihadist operatives exist at present. The government of Pakistan has not been forthcoming in answering requests from the United States and United Kingdom for lists of their citizens currently attending these institutions. Regardless, the idea of al Qaeda recruiting 10 “clean skins” for such an operation is not beyond the realm of possibility. Consider past recruits such as Mohammad Siddique Khan, the leader of the cell behind the July 7, 2005, London bombing, shoe bomber Richard Reid and Adam Gadahn (aka Azzam al-Amriki), or even the warnings o f German Muslims planning to conduct attacks in the West.
Levels of Severity
If this rumored operation is in fact legitimate, it would be the first one conducted using only operatives sent from the core al Qaeda group in Afghanistan or Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks. This is what we refer to as an al Qaeda 2.0 operational model. However, while sending operatives to work solo rather than in a group or with local grassroots jihadists increases operational security, it also reduces operational ability. Quite simply, it is more difficult for an individual to arrange a large attack than it is for a group working together. This means that lone operatives are unlikely to assemble major explosive devices like the truck-borne IED used in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Instead we would anticipate attacks similar in scope to grassroots undertakings; suicide bombings such as the July 7, 2005, London bombings or the 2002 armed assault on the El Al Ticket counter in Los Angeles. These the oretical attacks also would likely be conducted against soft targets such as buses, subways or shopping malls, where they can create a high number of casualties, rather than harder targets like the White House or Pentagon, where they would prove ineffective.
The October 2005 incident in Norman, Okla., in which a University of Oklahoma student detonated an IED outside a packed football stadium highlights the ease with which a device can be manufactured from readily available items without detection. But suicide operatives could undertake a number of different types of attacks. Recently we have seen Palestinian suicide operatives embarking on extremely simple plots, such as driving heavy vehicles into crowds.
While the individual attacks themselves would likely be small in magnitude, when combined and spread across the country they could have a far larger impact, similar to past attacks in places such as Madrid, London, Amman in Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula and Bali, Indonesia. Although the botched attacks in London and Glasgow last summer were conducted by the same cell, the planners also clearly sought to use multiple devices in geographically diverse locations. While such attacks would not be a strategic threat to U.S. existence, they would certainly kill people and create a great deal of fear and confusion.
We are not attempting to hype anything here and we do not want to create any kind of panic. These are just rumors, and unconfirmed ones at that. We have not seen any formal announcements from the U.S. government raising the alert level. However, it certainly seems to us to be a prudent time to increase situational awareness and update contingency plans in anticipation of the worst.
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Russia may cut off oil flow to the West

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 4:02pm BST 29/08/2008
Fears are mounting that Russia may restrict oil deliveries to Western Europe over coming days, in response to the threat of EU sanctions and Nato naval actions in the Black Sea. Any such move would be a dramatic escalation of the Georgia crisis and play havoc with the oil markets. Reports have begun to circulate in Moscow that Russian oil companies are under orders from the Kremlin to prepare for a supply cut to Germany and Poland through the Druzhba (Friendship) pipeline. It is believed that executives from lead-producer LUKoil have been put on weekend alert. "They have been told to be ready to cut off supplies as soon as Monday," claimed a high-level business source, speaking to The Daily Telegraph. Any move would be timed to coincide with an emergency EU summit in Brussels, where possible sanctions against Russia are on the agenda.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev may use the oil weapon
The latest from Georgia
Should we fear a new Cold War?
Edward Lucas: The new Cold War didn't start in Georgia
Any evidence that the Kremlin is planning to use the oil weapon to intimidate the West could inflame global energy markets. US crude prices jumped to $119 a barrel yesterday on reports of hurricane warnings in the Gulf of Mexico, before falling back slightly.
Global supplies remain tight despite the economic downturn engulfing North America, Europe and Japan. A supply cut at this delicate juncture could drive crude prices much higher, possibly to record levels of $150 or even $200 a barrel.
With US and European credit spreads already trading at levels of extreme stress, a fresh oil spike would rock financial markets. The Kremlin is undoubtedly aware that it exercises extraordinary leverage, if it strikes right now.
Such action would be seen as economic warfare but Russia has been infuriated by Nato meddling in its "backyard" and threats of punitive measures by the EU. Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov yesterday accused EU diplomats of a "sick imagination".
Armed with $580bn of foreign reserves (the world's third largest), Russia appears willing to risk its reputation as a reliable actor on the international stage in order to pursue geo-strategic ambitions.
"We are not afraid of anything, including the prospect of a Cold War," said President Dmitry Medvedev.
The Polish government said yesterday that Russian deliveries were still arriving smoothly. It was not aware of any move to limit supplies. The European Commission's energy directorate said it had received no warnings of retaliatory cuts.
Russia has repeatedly restricted oil and gas deliveries over recent years as a means of diplomatic pressure, though Moscow usually explains away the reduction by referring to technical upsets or pipeline maintenance.
Last month, deliveries to the Czech Republic through the Druzhba pipeline were cut after Prague signed an agreement with the US to install an anti-missile shield. Czech officials say supplies fell 40pc for July. The pipeline managers Transneft said the shortfall was due to "technical and commercial reasons".
Supplies were cut to Estonia in May 2007 following a dispute with Russia over the removal of Red Army memorials. It was blamed on a "repair operation". Latvia was cut off in 2005 and 2006 in a battle for control over the Ventspils terminals. "There are ways to camouflage it," said Vincent Sabathier, a senior fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
"They never say, 'we're going to cut off your oil because we don't like your foreign policy'."
A senior LUKoil official in Moscow said he was unaware of any plans to curtail deliveries. The Kremlin declined to comment.
More from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
More oil news
London-listed LUKoil is run by Russian billionaire Vagit Alekperov, who holds 20pc of the shares. LUKoil produces 2m barrels per day (b/d), or 2.5pc of world supply. It exports one fifth of its output to Germany and Poland.
Although Russia would lose much-needed revenue if it cut deliveries, the Kremlin might hope to recoup some of the money from higher prices. Indeed, it could enhance income for a while if the weapon was calibrated skilfully. Russia exports roughly 6.5m b/d, supplying the EU with 26pc of its total oil needs and 29pc of its gas.
A cut of just 1m b/d in global supply – and a veiled threat of more to come – would cause a major price spike.
It is unclear whether Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or other Opec producers have enough spare capacity to plug the shortfall. "Russia is behaving in a very erratic way," said James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA. "There is a risk that they might do something like cutting oil to hurt the world's democracies, if they get angry enough."
Mr Woolsey said the rapid move towards electric cars and other sources of power in the US and Europe means Russia's ability to use the oil weapon will soon be a diminishing asset. "Within a decade it will be very hard for Russia to push us around," he told The Daily Telegraph.
It is widely assumed that Russia would cut gas supplies rather than oil as a means of pressuring Europe. It is very hard to find alternative sources of gas. But gas cuts would not hurt the United States. Oil is a better weapon for striking at the broader Western world.
The price is global. The US economy could suffer serious damage from the immediate knock-on effects.
While the Russian state is rich, the corporate sector is heavily reliant on foreign investors. The internal bond market is tiny, with just $60bn worth of ruble issues.
Russian companies raise their funds on the world capital markets. Foreigners own half of the $1 trillion debt. Michael Ganske, Russia expert at Commerzbank, said the country was now facing a liquidity crunch. "Local investors are scared. They can see the foreigners leaving, so now they won't touch anything either. The impact on the capital markets is severe," he said.;jsessionid=YPXFJR4IZCT3VQFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/money/2008/08/29/cnrussia129.xml&site=1&page=0


From The Times
August 28, 2008
Russian-backed paramilitaries 'ethnically cleansing villages'

Russian-backed paramilitaries are “ethnically cleansing” villages on Georgian soil, refugees and officials told The Times yesterday.
South Ossetian militiamen have torched houses, beaten elderly people and even murdered civilians in the lawless buffer zone set up by the Russian Army just north of Gori. The violence, close to the border with the breakaway republic recognised by Russia this week as independent, has prompted a new wave of refugees into Gori, 40 miles north of Tbilisi.
People who had started to return to their villages in the area are now fleeing for a second time, joined by many elderly people who had refused to leave their homes when the Russians invaded two weeks ago.
A straggle of refugees gathered yesterday at the feet of a giant statue of Josef Stalin, Gori’s infamous native son, to register with the local authorities and the UN refugee agency, the UNHCR, for emergency supplies and accommodation in three tent cities being built near a football stadium.
“They had no uniform — I think they were Ossetians,” said Siyala Sereteli, 73, who fled her village of Irganeteye the previous day when irregular forces arrived. Weeping, she lifted her sleeve to show a deep bruise inflicted by a blow from a rifle stock. “They took everything they wanted, even the fans. They beat up a man using sticks and a chair and then threw him in the river,” she said.
Other refugees were clustered in the shabby city hall, trying to glean news of relatives still inside the buffer zone, which Russia said it had established to prevent Georgian attacks on South Ossetians, many of whom hold Russian passports. A look of deep shock froze the face of Oliko Gnolidze when she managed to make contact on her mobile phone with an uncle, Nodari Jashiashvili, in Tkviai, about a 20-minute drive away.
“There is panic here, they are burning houses,” came the crackly voice of her uncle. “I don’t know what to do. Ossetians are in the village.” Ms Gnolidze, 38, said that in earlier conversations her uncle had told her that only a few people remained in the village, with Ossetian irregulars looting under the noses of Russian troops, described by Moscow as “peacekeepers”. She said the Russians had forced her uncle to cook a meal for them, after which he had fled and hidden in nearby woods.
Shorta Kharadze, a 45-year-old lorry driver, returned to Gori from Tbilisi, where he had sheltered during the fighting, after his mother’s neighbours from the village of Megheverizkevi told him that she had been murdered by South Ossetian militiamen.
Looking gaunt, Mr Kharadze said the neighbours had telephoned him to say that two men in uniform had come to the home of his 77-year-old mother, Oliya, and demanded to know why she hadn’t left the village. She had been wounded in the arm during the fighting in the area but had refused to leave.
“They beat her with an axe handle. There’s a pond in our yard — she fell near it and they pushed her in. I don’t know if she was still alive when they pushed her in or if she drowned,” Mr Kharadze said.
“It’s like ethnic cleansing, genocide,” said Koba Tlashadze, a council official in Gori, which was itself briefly occupied by Russian forces before last week’s ceasefire. “It’s a special operation codenamed Clean Field, because they are emptying the villages.”
The UNHCR has voiced its concern about reports of “new forcible displacement caused by marauding militias north of Gori near the boundary with South Ossetia”. It said as many as 400 displaced people had gathered on Gori’s square on Tuesday “after being forced to flee their villages by marauders operating in the so-called buffer zone established along the boundary with South Ossetia”.
Alessandra Morelli, a UNHCR co-ordinator in Gori, said that confirming the stories was impossible because Russian checkpoints had sealed off the buffer zone.
Farther west, in Borjomi, Georgia’s Environment Minister accused Russia of having deliberately started extensive forest fires in the country’s main natural park by firing incendiary flares into tinder-dry mountains. After a helicopter inspection of the still-smouldering area, Irakli Ghvaladze said an investigation was being set up into Russian strikes on the park — far from military operations — for almost a week during the conflict. “We have begun to investigate this ecocide,” he said. The fires had destroyed hundreds of hectares of forest, with fire-fighting helicopters unable to operate for fear of being shot down. “Who knows why the Russians did this? They destroy everything,” he said.


Russia's DelusionA flurry of presidential statements on Georgia mix lies with a dangerous new doctrine.

Thursday, August 28, 2008; A18
Washington Post
IN TIME WITH Russia's unilateral recognition of the independence of the two Georgian provinces it invaded this month, President Dmitry Medvedev issued a statement, penned an op-ed and granted an unusual flurry of interviews. His intent was to justify Moscow's latest provocation of the West, which has been united in condemnation -- as was demonstrated yesterday by a statement by the Group of Seven industrial nations. Instead Mr. Medvedev merely revealed the dangerously arrogant and reckless mood that seems to have overtaken the Kremlin in recent weeks.
What's striking, first of all, is the spectacle of a leading head of state making statements that not only are lies but that are easily shown to be such. Over and over, Mr. Medvedev told interviewers that Georgian forces were guilty of "genocide" in South Ossetia. Yet by the count of an official Russian commission, the Ossetian dead numbered 133. In contrast, independent human rights groups have reported that Georgian villages both in and outside Ossetia have been subject to a violent ethnic cleansing campaign, and that thousands of civilians have been killed or driven from their homes by the Russian military offensive.
Mr. Medvedev flatly asserted that Russia had not violated the cease-fire deal he signed two weeks ago. But that agreement contains a provision calling for international talks about the status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia -- and those talks had not begun when Mr. Medvedev abruptly issued the decree recognizing the provinces' independence. The president insisted that Russian troops had withdrawn from Georgia and were not blockading the port of Poti, though any observer can see the checkpoints Russian troops continue to operate there and throughout the country. He also claimed that U.S. ships that have been delivering humanitarian supplies were delivering weapons, a statement quickly dismissed as ludicrous by the White House.
The gross misstatements were accompanied by the assertion of a breathtakingly belligerent doctrine toward Russia's neighbors. Mr. Medvedev was asked by more than one journalist whether Russia's aggression might be directed at other neighboring states, such as Ukraine, Moldova or the Baltic members of NATO. He answered by noting that millions of Russians live outside the country, and he asserted the right as "commander in chief" to "protect the lives and dignity of our citizens." He stated to the BBC: "In certain cases I have no choice but to take these kinds of actions."
Those in the West who persist in blaming Georgia or the Bush administration for the present crisis ought to carefully consider those words -- and remember the history in Europe of regimes that have made similar claims. This is the rhetoric of an isolated, authoritarian government drunk with the euphoria of a perceived victory and nursing the delusion of a restored empire. It is convinced that the West is too weak and divided to respond with more than words. If nothing is done to restrain it, it will never release Georgia -- and it will not stop there.

How the Georgian Conflict Really Started
By MELIK KAYLANAugust 28, 2008; Page A15
'Anybody who thinks that Moscow didn't plan this invasion, that we in Georgia caused it gratuitously, is severely mistaken," President Mikheil Saakashvili told me during a late night chat in Georgia's presidential palace this weekend.
"Our decision to engage was made in the last second as the Russian tanks were rolling -- we had no choice," Mr. Saakashvili explained. "We took the initiative just to buy some time. We knew we were not going to win against the Russian army, but we had to do something to defend ourselves."
I had just returned from Gori, which was still under the shadow of Russian occupation. I'd learned there on the ground how Russia has deployed a highly deliberate propaganda strategy in this war. Some Georgian friends sneaked me into town unnoticed past the Russian armored checkpoints via a little used tractor path. We noted that, during the day, the tanks on Gori's streets withdrew from the streets to the hills. Apparently, the Russians thought this gave the impression, to any foreign eyewitnesses they chose to let through, of a town not so much occupied as stabilized and made peaceful.
However, if you stayed overnight after observers left, as I did with various locals, you could hear and glimpse the tanks in the dark growling back into town and roaming around. A serious curfew kicked in at sundown, and the streets turned instantly lethal, not least because the tanks allowed in marauding irregulars -- Cossacks, South Ossetians, Chechens and the like -- to do the looting in a town that the Russians had effectively emptied. Now that the Russians have made a big show of moving out in force -- but only to a point some miles to the other side of Gori toward South Ossetia -- they've left behind a resonating threat in the population's memory, a feeling they could return at any moment.
The damage in Gori's civilian areas, like the Stalin-era neighborhood of Combinaty, give the lie to claims made by Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in these pages that Russian forces "acted efficiently and professionally" to achieve "clear and legitimate objectives." Either that, or they fully intended -- as a "legitimate" objective -- to flatten civilian streets in order to sow fear, drive out innocents and create massive refugee outflows.
Gori's refugees are now flooding back. Many have returned also to Poti, a port city near Abkhazia, and far more strategic than Gori because it serves as a trading lifeline for Georgia and potentially offers future access to NATO ships. The Russians are digging in around the town and in the port area itself, and refusing to budge as the world looks on.
"I got a call from the minister of defense that Russian tanks, some 200, were massing to enter Tskhinvali from North Ossetia," Mr. Saakashvili told me. "I ignored it at first, but reports kept coming in that they had begun to move forward. In fact, they had mobilized reserves several days ahead of time."
This was precisely the kind of information that the Russians have suppressed and the world press continues to ignore, despite decades of familiarity with Kremlin disinformation methods. "We subsequently found out from pilots we shot down," said Mr. Saakashvili, "that they'd been called up three days before from places like Moscow. We had intelligence coming in ahead of time but we just couldn't believe it. Also, in recent weeks, the separatists had intensified artillery barrages and were shooting our soldiers. I'd kept telling our guys to stay calm. Actually we had most of our troops down near Abkhazia where we expected the real trouble to start. I can tell you that if we'd intended to attack, we'd have withdrawn our best-trained forces from Iraq up front."
According to the Georgian president, the Russians had been planning an invasion of his country for weeks -- even months -- ahead of time: "Some months ago, I was warned by Western leaders in Dubrovnik to expect an attack this summer," he explained. "Mr. Putin had already threatened me in February, saying we would become a protectorate of Russia. When I met Mr. Medvedev in June, he was very friendly. I saw him again in July and he was a changed man, spooked, evasive. He tried to avoid me. He knew something by then. I ask everyone to consider, what does it mean when hundreds of tanks can mobilize and occupy a country within two days? Just the fuelling takes that long. They were on their way. Would we provoke a war while all our Western friends are away on vacation? Be sensible."
I put it to Mr. Saakashvili that there was also the question of why now? Why did the Russians not act before or later? It was a matter, he said, of several factors coming together: the useful distractions of the Beijing Olympics and the U.S. elections, the fact that it took Mr. Putin this long to consolidate power, the danger that tanks would bog down in the winter.
But two factors above all sealed Georgia's fate this summer, it seems. In April, NATO postponed the decision to admit Georgia into the organization until its next summit in October. Mr. Saakashvili believes Moscow felt it had one last chance to pre-empt Georgia's joining NATO.
Finally, he says, the invasion had to be done before the situation in Iraq got any better and freed up U.S. forces to act elsewhere -- a matter not simply of U.S. weakness but of increasing U.S. strength. "If America thinks it is too weak to do anything about Georgia," said Mr. Saakashvili, "you should understand how the Russians see it, how much Moscow respects a strong United States -- or at least a U.S. that believes in its own strength."
Mr. Kaylan is a New York-based writer who has reported often from Georgia.

Putin maps the boundaries of greater Russia

By Philip Stephens
Published: August 28 2008 18:37 Last updated: August 28 2008 18:37
We need to get this straight. Vladimir Putin’s Russia has invaded a neighbour, annexed territory and put in place a partial military occupation. It seeks to overthrow the president of Georgia and to overturn the global geopolitical order. It has repudiated its signature on a ceasefire negotiated by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and disowned its frequent affirmations of Georgia’s territorial integrity. Most importantly: all of this is our fault.
The “our” in this context, of course, refers to the US and the more headstrong of its European allies such as Britain. If only Washington had been nicer to the Russians after the fall of the Berlin Wall. If only the west had not humiliated Moscow after the break-up of the Soviet Union.
Surely we can see now what a provocation it was to allow the former vassal states of the Soviet empire to exercise their democratic choice to join the community of nations? And what of permitting them to shelter under Nato’s security umbrella and to seek prosperity for their peoples in the European Union? Nothing, surely, could have been more calculated to squander the post-cold-war peace.
Such is the cracked record played over and over again by the Russian prime minister and recited now by Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s notional president. Sadly, it also finds echoes among those in Europe who prefer appeasing Mr Putin to upholding the freedoms of their neighbours.
This Russian claim to victimhood is as vacuous as it is dishonest.
Mr Putin has said the collapse of the Soviet Union was the great geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. Now he wants to subjugate his country’s neighbours in the cause of a greater Russia. The aim is to turn back the clock: to extend his country’s borders to create the greater Russia sought by the leaders of the abortive coup against Boris Yeltsin in 1991. The west must not collude with Mr Putin’s falsified version of history.
There is no doubt that Russians feel they suffered great hurt and indignity during the 1990s. They did. But it is a misreading of events to blame the US, the west, the EU or Nato.
The blindingly obvious point is that humiliation was inevitable and unavoidable. Until the collapse of communism the world belonged to Washington and Moscow. Suddenly almost everything was lost to Russia. The political and economic system that had once aspired to global domination was reduced to dust.
Open a history book. Humiliation is what happens when nations lose their empires. Ask the British. Half a century after Suez, part of the British psyche still laments this retreat from the world. You could say the same about the French.
The implosion of the Soviet Union could not stir anything but a sense of shame among Russians. But ah, you hear Mr Putin’s apologists say, the west fed Russian paranoia. For half a century central and eastern Europe had been signed over to Moscow. Now the west’s institutions rolled like tanks up to Russia’s borders.
The problem is that this account does not fit the facts. George H.W. Bush was anything but triumphalist in his response to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Indeed, the then US president faced sharp criticism from many Americans for refusing to dance on communism’s grave.
It is true Bill Clinton’s presidency began with some rhetorical flourishes about spreading democracy. And the US administration did press hard for the expansion of Nato, in part because the EU dragged its feet about opening its doors. Some doubted the wisdom of the Nato policy. George Kennan, the author of the cold war doctrine of containment, was among those arguing against Mr Clinton. But then, the revered Mr Kennan was not infallible. He had, after all, opposed the creation of the alliance.
Doubtless there were moments when the US, and Europe for that matter, could have been more tactful. The disciples of free markets dispatched to Moscow by the International Monetary Fund probably bear some blame for the catastrophic melt-down of Russia’s economy. But no, the historical record does not show a deliberate or concerted effort by the US or anyone else to mock or multiply Russia’s misfortunes.
When Mr Putin talks about humiliation, he means something else. Washington’s crime was to assume that the Yalta agreement had fallen along with the Berlin Wall, and that the peoples and nations of the erstwhile Soviet empire should thus be free to make their own choices.
In the Kremlin’s mindset, showing due respect for Russia would have meant allowing it to continue to hold sway over its near-abroad. The most that the citizens of Ukraine and the Baltic states should have expected was the ersatz independence now bestowed on South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Poles, Hungarians, Czechs and the rest should have been locked out of western institutions.
Mr Putin has reopened the issue that seemed to have been settled in 1991 when Yeltsin saw off the tanks at the doors of the Russian White House. Yeltsin decided that the borders of the Russian Federation should follow those of the Soviet republics. That left the Crimea as part of Ukraine, Ossetia and Abkhazia as part of Georgia. Mr Putin’s doctrine is calculated to reclaim Moscow’s sovereignty over ethnic Russians in neighbouring states. This is a greater Russia by another means.
The doctrine overturns one of the central geopolitical assumptions of the past two decades: that, for all its hurt pride, Russia saw its role as a powerful player within a post-cold-war geopolitical order. Mr Medvedev, speaking with his master’s voice, now repudiates the laws and institutions of that order.
For all the occasional bluster about a new authoritarian axis between Moscow and Beijing, the contrast that has most struck me in recent weeks has been between China and Russia. Beijing saw the Olympics as a celebration of China’s return as a great power. China has by no means signed up to the norms and assumptions of liberal democracy; it has still to decide whether it wants to be a free rider or a stakeholder in the international system. But it has concluded that its future lies with integration into a stable world order.
Moscow’s invasion of Georgia and its public scorn at the likely international response speaks to an entirely different mindset: a retreat from integration and a preference for force over rules. Russia’s neighbours are told they can be vassals or enemies. Mr Medvedev boasts Russia is ready for another cold war.
I struggle to see what Russia will gain. It is friendless. Governments and foreign investors alike now know that Moscow’s word is worthless. The price of aggression will be pariah status. Mr Putin, of course, will blame the west.
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Russia: Levers in the Baltic States
Stratfor Today » August 27, 2008 2050 GMT
Russian nationalists protesting in 2007 while Latvian nationalists celebrate a day of tribute to World War II veterans who fought in a Nazi unit
After the Russo-Georgian war, many former Soviet countries — including the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — began assessing their own internal security. While the newly assertive Russia is not likely to take military action against the Baltics, because they are NATO members, Moscow could well use existing levers to foment internal instability there.
After Russia’s Aug. 8 invasion of the Georgian breakaway region of South Ossetia, many former Soviet states, including the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, have begun assessing their own internal security. These countries all have significant ties to Russia and host considerable Russian-speaking populations — similar to South Ossetia.
Russia has levers to pull in the Baltics to effect change should it feel the need to. While Russian military action like that seen in South Ossetia is unlikely in the Baltic countries due to their membership in NATO, internal political meddling or support for increased ethnic tensions are very much within the Kremlin’s capability.
Russia has already shown that it can act in the Baltics. Over the past few years, Russia has disrupted energy supplies flowing through the Druzhba pipeline, instigated protests and riots over the removal of a World War II statue and is believed to have been behind cyberattacks on Estonia and Lithuania in 2007. However, the Baltics’ Russophone population is perhaps the strongest lever Russia can use against the states’ governments.
The Baltic countries have a long and bitter history with Russia because of Soviet-era events. Josef Stalin sent Russians to the Baltics as a way to increase Soviet influence there. The Russian population there grew throughout the second half of the 20th century, and today Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania have Russophone populations of 40 percent, 30 percent and 9 percent respectively. The Baltic countries were also the first countries to claim independence from the Soviet Union, and they quickly turned to the West by joining NATO and, in 2005, the European Union.
The Baltic governments have always been slightly paranoid about their Russian-speaking populations. Latvia and Estonia in particular have imposed draconian citizenship standards, essentially disenfranchising the Russian populations there. Many Russian speakers there must rely on a Russian passport to travel, are discriminated against in the workplace and are kept from political participation.
Because of Russian disenfranchisement in the Baltic countries, there are quite a few political groups and Russophone organizations that support Russian equality in Estonia and Latvia, and to a lesser degree in Lithuania. These groups include the Russian Nationalist Movement of Estonia, the Union of Associations of Russian Compatriots in Estonia and the Russian Community of Latvia. Russian nationalist groups criticize Baltic governments over anti-Russian policies and have taken part in violent protests, like those concerning the World War II memorial. Acts of aggression also have occurred, such as the 2004 murder of a Lithuanian border guard (accompanied by a message written in blood reading “Lithuania for Russia”) on a contentious railway that links Kaliningrad to the rest of Russia via Lithuania. But such attacks appear to be fairly isolated and not necessarily connected to Russian nationalist groups. There are plenty of aggressive, pro-Kremlin Russophones in the Baltic states, and there are organizations that support Russian nationalism, but the fusion of aggressive violence and the organizations does not appear to be solidified.
However, a lack of organization among aggressive Russophones would not prevent the Kremlin from having a lever in the Baltic countries. Because Russophones make up such a large percentage of the population (especially in Latvia and Estonia), the Russians would certainly have a large pool of potential recruits if they did want to stir up conventional trouble like bombings, shootings or other disruptive/destructive attacks. There have been no real significant threats suggesting that Russian nationalists have any serious conventional capabilities, but the Kremlin could easily inject the resources, skill and organizational power to assist — if it hasn’t already.
Perhaps an even bigger and more diabolical lever that the Kremlin could use is found in Baltic nationalist and neo-Nazi groups. Existing groups like the Latvian National Front and the National Force Union have been involved in violent attacks against minorities, including Japanese nationals and gay rights groups. Neo-Nazi groups in Estonia and Latvia have carried out re-enactments of World War II events and have staged parades celebrating Baltic Nazi units that fought against the Russians in World War II. Although these groups have not launched significant attacks on the Russian population, pro-Kremlin Russophones certainly fit into their target set. If they were to start targeting Russophone neighborhoods, businesses or other interests, this would be a spark that could provoke a Russian excuse for broader action.
Russian intelligence capabilities certainly include the ability to infiltrate foreign nationalistic groups and goad Estonian or Latvian nationalists into creating a justification for broader Russian action. With the trigger primed, the Kremlin could stir up its sympathizers in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius to create political tension and violence in the Baltics.

August 28, 2008

MOSCOW — Here is one measure of the aggressive shift in Russian foreign policy in recent weeks: Dmitri O. Rogozin, Russia’s representative to NATO, a finger-wagging nationalist who hung a poster of Stalin in his new ambassadorial office, is not sounding so extreme any more.
“There are two dates that have changed the world in recent years: Sept. 11, 2001, and Aug. 8, 2008,” Mr. Rogozin said in an interview, explaining that the West has not fully grasped how the Georgia conflict has heightened Russians’ fears about being surrounded by NATO. “They are basically identical in terms of significance.”
“Sept. 11 motivated the United States to behave really differently in the world,” he said. “That is to say, Americans realized that even in their homes, they could not feel safe. They had to protect their interests, outside the boundaries of the U.S. For Russia, it is the same thing.”
Only a few months ago, the blustery Mr. Rogozin, 44, was regarded even in the Kremlin as more performance artist than diplomat. Established officials sometimes rolled their eyes when he was mentioned, as if to acknowledge that Vladimir V. Putin, president at the time, had sent him to NATO to do a little trash-talking to rattle the West.
Yet Mr. Rogozin’s arrival at alliance headquarters in Brussels in January might be seen as an omen of the crisis to come. He quickly scorned what he called the “blah, blah, blah” diplomatic niceties and pounded away at a single theme: after years of affronts, Russia had had enough.
Its invasion of Georgia three weeks ago made that apparent, as did its decision on Tuesday to recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the breakaway enclaves at the center of the hostilities. Now the rising stature of Mr. Rogozin, who called NATO criticism of Russia’s military action “bigoted and indecent,” underscores Russia’s new tone — one adopted by both Mr. Putin, now prime minister, and President Dmitri A. Medvedev.
Mr. Rogozin has become a prominent Russian voice even as he remains a provocative figure in Moscow who led a political party that espoused anti-immigrant appeals — including an ad showing dark-skinned immigrants throwing watermelon rinds on the ground — described by some opponents as racist.
After the Georgia conflict broke out, NATO said there would be no “business as usual” in relations with Russia, and Russia in turn suspended some military cooperation. The Kremlin refrained from canceling all ties, saying it would continue to provide assistance in Afghanistan. Still, Mr. Medvedev has assumed a tough stance.
“We do not need illusions of partnership,” he said Monday in a nationally televised appearance with Mr. Rogozin. “When we are being surrounded by bases on all sides, and a growing number of states are being drawn into the North Atlantic bloc and we are being told, ‘Don’t worry, everything is all right,’ naturally we do not like it.”
“If they essentially wreck this cooperation, it is nothing horrible for us,” he said “We are prepared to accept any decision, including the termination of relations.”
Mr. Rogozin is a charismatic orator with a rascally sense of humor, and he at times has succeeded in charming his rivals in Brussels even as he was upbraiding them. More than once in the interview, he ended long discourses in Russian about his views on relations with the West by uttering a single English word that captured how he likes to be viewed: “Troublemaker!”
Mr. Rogozin speaks several languages — he judges English to be his fifth best — but said he shunned some of the diplomatic trappings of life in Brussels, preferring a BMW motorcycle to a chauffeur. He lives there with his wife, and he has a son and two young grandchildren in Moscow.
Despite his harsh words for NATO governments, he expressed fondness for the time he had spent traveling in the United States, noting that his wife lived in New York City for seven years when she was a child and her father was a Soviet diplomat there.
“She simply understands Americans,” Mr. Rogozin said. “Sometimes I say to her, ‘How come they do not understand me?’ and she says, ‘Look,’ and she explains. She helps decode for me.”
He said that when he was in the United States recently, he met many officials and was pleased to meet one particular former cold-war foe, Henry A. Kissinger.
Mr. Rogozin said that in the West, the current crisis might be considered an ethnic spat between Georgia and South Ossetia that got out of hand, but in Russia, it was seen quite differently. He said Russians now understood that the United States was trying to encircle them, in part by siding with the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, whom he called unstable.
A poll released last week by the Levada Center, a polling institute in Moscow, backed up his assertions, showing that 74 percent of Russians polled believed that Georgia was a pawn of the United States. Asked the cause of the crisis, 49 percent cited Washington’s policies in the region, while 32 percent blamed Georgia. Only 5 percent held Russia responsible.
Mr. Rogozin added that the West had not understood Russian feelings of resentment over Kosovo, which the West recognized this year as independent from Serbia, an ally of Moscow, despite Russian objections. He said the Kremlin bristled at NATO criticism of the Russian military action as not “proportional” because it was far more restrained than the NATO bombing of Belgrade, Serbia’s capital, in 1999.
“Listen, you in Yugoslavia, you did something normal?” he said. “You have no moral right to say it is not proportional. If we did proportionally in the Caucasus what you did in Serbia, then Tbilisi would have been demolished.” Tbilisi is Georgia’s capital.
Perhaps Mr. Rogozin was fated to be a player in this conflict — he shares a birth date, Dec. 21, with Russia’s nemesis, Mr. Saakashvili. Yet before he went to Brussels, he was considered a political has-been, having alienated the Kremlin by making staunchly nationalist statements when he was a member of Parliament.
His former party, Rodina, campaigned on a platform opposing the immigration of people from the Caucasus (including Georgia) and Central Asia.
In 2005, Rodina produced the commercial with the immigrants and watermelon rinds. Mr. Rogozin appears, as does text that says, “Let’s clear the city of garbage.” He denied at the time that the commercial was racist, but the party was banned from local Moscow elections for promoting ethnic hatred. Soon after, he published a political autobiography, “Enemy of the People.”
He thus remains a polarizing figure in Russia, even as the foreign policy establishment moves closer to his hard-line views.
“I myself was perplexed when I heard of this appointment,” said Pavel S. Zolotaryov, deputy director of the Institute for the U.S. and Canada Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
American officials at NATO would not comment on Mr. Rogozin. Georgia’s representative to NATO, Revaz Beshidze, said that no matter how outlandishly Mr. Rogozin acted, his behavior had served a purpose.
“He is implementing strict instructions from Moscow,” Mr. Beshidze said.
Mr. Rogozin said he regretted his conduct as a politician and was hoping to rehabilitate his reputation through his work in Brussels. He argued that a little-noticed effect of the Georgia conflict was that it had brought together ethnic Russians and other groups in Russian areas of the Caucasus, like Chechens. All now have joined to oppose Mr. Saakashvili, he said.
“We have a unique chance to overcome this ethnic nationalism in Russia, to stop entering into internal conflicts in Russia,” Mr. Rogozin said.
Still, sometimes he cannot help himself. After arriving in Brussels, he put up in his office a patriotic World War II poster with Soviet soldiers, weapons in hand, next to an adoring portrayal of Stalin. He fancied it as a piece of history. Others at NATO headquarters were not as amused.
Mr. Rogozin relented and removed it. He recounted in the interview how he took it to the United States on his recent visit and gave it to Mr. Kissinger. Then he paused and grinned. “Troublemaker!” he said.

The Truth About Russia in Georgia
TBILISI, GEORGIA – Virtually everyone believes Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili foolishly provoked a Russian invasion on August 7, 2008, when he sent troops into the breakaway district of South Ossetia. “The warfare began Aug. 7 when Georgia launched a barrage targeting South Ossetia,” the Associated Press reported over the weekend in typical fashion.

Full Story via link:


West tells Russia to keep out of Ukraine
By Stefan Wagstyl and James Blitz in London and Roman Olearchyk in Kiev
Published: August 27 2008 14:53 Last updated: August 27 2008 22:54
Financial Times
Britain led a chorus of support for Ukraine on Wednesday as western fears rose of possible Russian attempts to build on its victory in Georgia by threatening neighbouring states.
Speaking during a visit to Kiev, David Miliband, the UK foreign secretary, called on the European Union and Nato to prepare for “hard-headed engagement” with Moscow following its military action in Georgia.
“Russia must not learn the wrong lessons from the Georgia crisis. There can be no going back on fundamental principles of territorial integrity, democratic governance and international law,” he said.
Mr Miliband’s remarks coincided with warnings from Bernard Kouchner, French foreign minister, and Carl Bildt, Swedish foreign minister.
In an unprecedented step, the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven industrialised countries also issued a joint statement on Wednesday to condemn “Russia’s excessive use of military force in Georgia and its continued occupation of parts” of the country.
The warnings came after Moscow recognised the independence of the breakaway Georgian territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on Tuesday in the first effort to redraw international borders in the former Soviet Union since its 1991 collapse.
Mr Kouchner warned that the situation was “very dangerous” because Russia might now be considering other targets such as the divided state of Moldova and Ukraine, with its strategically important Crimean peninsula.
In depth: South Ossetia crisis - Aug-14
EU leaders step up criticism of Russia - Aug-27
Comment: Moscow’s plan to redraw Europe map - Aug-27
Comment: Russia could push China closer to west - Aug-27
US avoids face-off over Black Sea ship - Aug-27
West will need to review oil routes - Aug-27
The comments came as the EU prepared for an emergency Georgia summit on Monday.
The US welcomed Mr Miliband’s remarks but there was no immediate response from Moscow, which adopted a conciliatory tone urging the west not to damage broad mutual ties. Dmitry Medvedev, Russian president, was in Tajikistan, at a summit of central Asian states including China, seeking support for his actions in Georgia.
Mr Bildt, in a Financial Times interview, criticised Russia as “a 19th century power”.
Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine’s pro-west president, highlighted the potential for conflict by questioning the agreement under which Russia uses the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol, in Crimea, for its Black Sea fleet. He said Russia’s actions were “a threat to everyone, not just for one country”.
His remarks were echoed by Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgian president. In Thursday’s Financial Times, Mr ­Saakashvili writes: “This story is no longer about my small country, but the west’s ability to stand its ground to defend a principled approach to international security.”

Meanwhile, the US avoided a potential clash with Russia by diverting a navy ship carrying aid to the Georgian-controlled Batumi instead of the Moscow-controlled Georgian port of Poti.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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August 27, 2008

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British Submission

By Douglas 8/21/2008
Foot baths for Muslim students at Michigan universities? Muslim cabbies in the Twin Cities who refuse to carry seeing-eye dogs? The FBI and other government agencies taking sensitivity training from radical Muslim organizations? You think we’ve lost the plot over here? Take a look at British submission to Islamofascist demands and threats, as that once great nation succumbs to creeping dhimmitude.
It has reached the point that in mid-April, the British Foreign Office instructed the Royal Navy not to return pirates to jurisdictions sporting sharia law (such as Somalia) for fear that their human rights will be violated. They have even been discouraged from capturing pirates, because the freebooters might ask to be granted asylum in Britain, a request with which the UK might have to comply under international and European Union human rights law.
This for a Navy that almost singlehandedly defeated piracy in the early 19th century, and a nation that retained the death penalty for this scourge of the high seas until the late 20th century.
Welcome to Britain today.
Another recent outrage involves special handling of a traffic violation. Seems that a Muslim driver was stopped by police while speeding between two homes in the north of England. When he appeared in court, he explained his high speed – over twice the speed limit – was necessary to accommodate his two wives. His explanation was accepted, and he was allowed to keep his license.
That comes fast – very fast – on the heels of a decision by the British government to grant full spousal benefits to multiple wives. It won’t affect more than an estimated 1,000 individuals. And it mercifully won’t affect the indigenous Christian, Hindu or Jewish population, as traditional bigamy laws apply. Britons may rest easy, as it will only cover multiple wives married in a jurisdiction that practices Sharia law, such as Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.
These are not isolated instances; there are a myriad more: Swimming periods at pools restricted to Muslims only; the establishment of a BBC Arabic language station staffed by Arab broadcasters and managers with track records of being anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-Western; the refusal of female Muslim medical students to wash their arms as that practice might reveal the forbidden flesh between wrist and elbow; an attempt by a national union of university lecturers to call for a boycott of Israeli academics; and, a local Council ban on pig-themed toys, porcelain figures and calendars on workers’ desks because it might offend Muslims.
No comment from the Home Office or No. 10 Downing Street. No comment from the government, because it has been their policy to appease Britain’s large Muslim population in response to menacing behavior up to and including the bomb outrages of July 7, 2005.
It’s no coincidence that Muslims constitute a substantial portion of the Labour Party’s electoral support in London and in much of its heartland in northern England. In the expected close election for Parliament that will be held by mid-2010, an increasing Muslim population may be the difference between victory and defeat for the Labourites.
But Labour’s bien pensant hardly needs convincing. Like most on the left today, they fancy themselves champions of the underdog and the oppressed, and sympathy for Islam, and Arab and Muslim causes fits neatly into their intellectual program. Along with America and Israel-bashing, it goes to the very heart of how liberals view themselves and, more important, how they wish to be viewed by others. It supplies them with the appearance of a self-abnegation that is supposed to relieve their Western, middle-class guilt with a cleansing humility but is nothing but moral exhibitionism; and, as always, involves other people’s money, other people’s freedom, and other people’s comfort – never or very rarely their own.
A classic of political correctness run amok, wonderful as a burlesque if it weren’t slowly undermining Britain’s way of life and its will to oppose extreme Islamism.
Worse is that acceding to this nonsense gives Islamofascists confidence that they are on the winning side of history. That if they just shout a little louder and push a little harder, they may expect more of the same that becomes increasingly normative until it convinces the longer-settled among the UK’s population that they have no power to stop, let alone reverse, the process.
One might have become inured to the gutless behavior of France or Italy, but many in the U.S. are still under the impression that, like other countries in the Anglosphere, the British remain clear-eyed, realistic and most importantly resolute about the threats with which the West is confronted. But they aren’t; and while these cultural changes are in the realm of the comical right now, they are beginning to affect British public policy, domestic as well as foreign.
Why is this important to us? Because the ZaNuLabour Party’s tendency to pacifism and appeasement, and its devotion to political correctness, victim ideology, cultural relativism and liberal guilt is shared by our own Democrats.
Look for more of it in Britain, and don’t be surprised when it arrives full force here in America.


For all intents and purposes, we see the fake "Russian recognition" of puppet Russian enclaves, illegally and forcibly seized and annexed from a democratic nation, by the Russian state in violation of international law and conventions. This is a replay of Nazi Germany's seizure of Czechoslavkia and Klaipeda in 1939, Stalin's invasion of Finland, and the eventual seizure of the Baltic republics in 1940. As is often repeated, "if we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it".......Tony Mazeika

Russia recognises Georgian rebels
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Russian president speaks to BBC
President Dmitry Medvedev has declared that Russia formally recognises the independence of the breakaway Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Mr Medvedev told the BBC Russia had tried to preserve Georgian unity for 17 years, but that the situation had changed after this month's violence.
He said Moscow now felt obliged to recognise South Ossetia and Abkhazia as other countries had done with Kosovo.
Georgia said Russia was seeking to "change Europe's borders by force".
In a televised address on Monday evening, President Mikhail Saakashvili said the declaration was completely illegal and vowed to begin a "peaceful struggle" to restore Georgia's territorial integrity.
Russia has made an extraordinary strategic mistake and has badly damaged its place in modern international relations Mikhail Saakashvili Georgian President
Earlier, the US and France called the Russian move regrettable, while the UK said it categorically rejected it. Nato said the declaration violated numerous UN Security Council resolutions that Russia itself had endorsed.
However the leaders of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which have had de facto independence since the early 1990s, thanked Russia.
Fighting between Russia and Georgia began on 7 August after the Georgian military tried to retake South Ossetia by force.
Russian forces subsequently launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with the ejection of Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and Abkhazia and an EU-brokered ceasefire.
'No easy choice'
In an announcement on Russian state television, President Medvedev said he had signed a decree to recognise Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states.
He instructed the Russian foreign ministry to open negotiations on formal diplomatic relations with the two regions and called on other states to follow his country's example.
Mr Medvedev said he had "taken into account the expression of free will by the Ossetian and Abkhaz peoples" and accused Georgia of failing over many years to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the problem.
"That was no easy choice to make, but it is the sole chance of saving people's lives," he added.
The move followed votes in both houses of parliament on Monday, which called on Moscow to recognise the regions' independence.
In an interview with the BBC at his residency in Sochi, on the border with Abkhazia, Mr Medvedev later said Russia had been obliged to act following a "genocide" started by his Georgian counterpart against separatists in South Ossetia.
The president compared Russia's recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia to the West's recognition of Kosovo, which unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in February 2008.
He also denied that Russia had breached the ceasefire agreement with Georgia, saying pursuing the security of the two regions included addressing their status.
"The most important thing was to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe to save the lives of people for whom we are responsible, because most of them they are Russian citizens," he said. "So we had to take a decision recognising the two states as independent."
Mr Medvedev said relations with the West were deteriorating sharply and that a new Cold War could not be excluded, but that Russia did not want one.
"There are no winners in a Cold War," he said.
Later, Georgia's President Saakashvili accused Russia of trying to "break the Georgian state, undermine the fundamental values of Georgia and to wipe Georgia from the map".
"Today's step by Russia is completely illegal and will have no legal basis, neither for Georgia nor for the rest of the world," he said.
"Russia has made an extraordinary strategic mistake and has badly damaged its place in modern international relations."
Population: About 70,000 (before recent conflict)
Capital: Tskhinvali
President: Eduard Kokoity Abkhazia
Population: About 250,000 (2003)
Capital: Sukhumi
President: Sergei Bagapsh
Mr Saakashvili described the declaration as "the first attempt in Europe after Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union to... change the borders of Europe by force".
Western countries, including the US, Germany, the UK and France also condemned Russia's move.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking from the West Bank city of Ramallah, said the decision was "regrettable".
"Since the United States is a permanent member of the Security Council this simply will be dead on arrival in the Security Council," she said.
Late on Monday, the US state department had warned that recognition of the two provinces' independence would be "a violation of Georgian territorial integrity" and "inconsistent with international law".
In a statement, it said President George W Bush had called on Russia's leadership to "meet its commitments and not recognise these separatist regions".
In the two breakaway regions, however, Moscow's move was warmly welcomed.
The leader of South Ossetia's separatist government, Eduard Kokoity, said he would ask Moscow to set up a military base on his territory.
In the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali there were scenes of jubilation while residents in Abkhazia took to the streets to celebrate the news, firing into the air.
"We feel happy," said Aida Gabaz, a 38-year-old lawyer in the Abkhaz capital Sukhumi.
"We all have tears in our eyes. We feel pride for our people."
'New understanding'
Earlier on Tuesday, Russia cancelled a visit by Nato's secretary general, one of a series of measures to suspend co-operation with the military alliance.
Russia's ambassador to Nato said the trip would be delayed until relations between the two were clarified.
Dmitry Rogozin said a "new understanding" needed to be reached between Russia and Nato.
The BBC's Humphrey Hawksley, in Moscow, says the recognition is bound to dramatically heighten tensions in Russia's already fragile relationship with the West.
He says this and a series of other announcements indicate that Russia is preparing itself for a showdown.
Although most of Russia's forces pulled out of the rest of Georgia last Friday, it is maintaining a presence both within the two rebel regions and in buffer zones imposed round their boundaries.
Port control
Some Russian troops also continue to operate near the Black Sea port of Poti, south of Abkhazia, where Russia says it will carry out regular inspections of cargo.
HAVE YOUR SAY Russia is right to recognise South Ossetia and guarantee its security Branco, Bulgaria
The US said on Tuesday that its warships would deliver aid to Georgia's port of Poti, which is under Russian control. The move could mean US and Russian forces coming face to face.
Earlier, the head of European security organisation, the OSCE, Alexander Stubb, accused Russia of trying to empty South Ossetia of Georgians.
Speaking to the BBC's Europe Today programme, he said: "They are clearly trying to empty southern Ossetia from Georgians, which I don't think goes by any of the books that we deal with in international relations".
At a checkpoint in South Ossetia, the BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse said a South Ossetian commander said many Georgian civilians had already left of their own accord, because they were scared of the guns.
Story from BBC NEWS:


Next Steps on Georgia
As Russia violates the cease-fire it signed, there's plenty the United States can do in response.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008; A12
ASTREAK of defeatist thinking about Russia's continuing occupation of Georgia has had it that there is little the West can do about the crisis, first because Moscow's cooperation is needed for more important matters, such as the containment of Iran, and second because the United States and Europe lack practical means of leverage over Vladimir Putin's regime. Several days ago we addressed the first part of this canard, pointing out that the "strategic partnership" that President Bush once sought to build with Mr. Putin has been little more than an illusion. Now, with Russian troops still dug in around the Georgian port of Poti in blatant violation of a cease-fire agreement, it's becoming urgent to reexamine that second assumption about Western impotence. Fortunately, it, too, is groundless: There is, in fact, much that could be done to raise the cost of the ongoing occupation and to weaken Mr. Putin and the sinister circle around him.
The reason Russian troops are still blockading Georgia's largest port, planting mines along its railroads and stopping traffic on main road arteries is that Russia has yet to accomplish its central objectives: to depose Georgia's president and destroy Georgia's fragile democracy. The United States and its allies can still prevent that from happening, if they act quickly and energetically -- and thereby inflict an endgame defeat on Mr. Putin. Mr. Bush's order that U.S. ships and planes deliver humanitarian aid to Georgia was a good first step. But what's needed now is a large and conspicuous supply and reconstruction operation that will ensure that the Russian occupation cannot cause a collapse of the Georgian economy. Promised international observers -- which Moscow agreed to -- must meanwhile be deployed as quickly as possible, to keep Russian forces from staging provocations that might lead to further fighting.
The Russian economy, dependent on Western investment and technology, has already suffered a sharp reversal thanks to the invasion: Foreign currency reserves plummeted this month as investors withdrew money from the country at the fastest rate since the 1998 ruble crisis. Steeped in nostalgia for the ways of the Soviet Union, Mr. Putin may be insensitive to Russia's vulnerability to the pressures the U.S. Treasury can apply in 21st-century capital markets. But the corrupt circle of oligarchs around him, who have deposited billions in Western banks and bought up mansions and soccer teams, could quickly and legitimately be squeezed. There is certainly no reason why U.S. and international agencies should not vigorously pursue the numerous allegations of corrupt practices by Russian firms. If Kremlin-connected companies violate Georgian or international law through their actions in the occupied provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, their assets -- gas stations in the United States, for example -- could be subject to seizure.
The Bush administration, we're told, is planning to withdraw a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia from Congress. It retains the options of abrogating the bilateral U.S.-Russian agreement needed for Moscow's membership in the World Trade Organization and suspending negotiations on arms control. If Mr. Putin does not comply with the cease-fire agreement in the coming days, such bilateral sanctions will be needed. In the meantime, the administration should be working hard to ensure that Georgia's government and economy emerge stronger from the crisis -- and that Russia realizes it will only be weakened by its continuing occupation of a neighboring nation.
Russia: Recognition for Georgia's Breakaway Regions
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev signed decrees Aug. 26 granting formal recognition to the Georgian breakaway republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The move is a response to the West’s approval of Kosovo’s independence earlier in 2008 and effectively shatters Georgia’s territorial integrity. However, the recognition will put Russia’s own secessionist regions on edge and could give the Georgian public — and the international community — a rallying point.
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has signed decrees Aug. 26 formally recognizing the independence of the Georgian breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The move comes just weeks after Russia and Georgia went to war over the two regions. Yesterday, U.S. President George W. Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel explicitly warned Russia not to extend formal recognition to the republics.
But Moscow and Medvedev upped the ante when, in a live television announcement from Sochi, Medvedev declared recognition for the regions’ independence. Russia’s logic for doing this is simple: The West recognized Kosovo earlier in 2008 both to entrench the Balkans firmly in the Western sphere of influence and to show that Russian power was a fragile thing that could be ignored in that sphere. By recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russia is turning that idea on its head and entrenching the Caucasus in the Russian sphere of influence while demonstrating that Western power is something that can be ignored in Russia’s near abroad.
Both moves are about consolidating borders, drawing lines in the sand and demonstrating the other side’s impotence.
Related Special Topic Page
Crisis in South Ossetia
For Russia, the next steps will be formalizing a relationship with these new “states.” There is also always the possibility that Russia could outright annex the two republics. But either path will certainly include bolstering military support for South Ossetia and Abkhazia that will absolutely preclude Georgia’s unity for the foreseeable future.
The recognition brings up three problematic situations next.
First, Moscow’s recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia has put Russia’s own secessionist regions — of which there are dozens — on edge. Russia has created a double standard. Russia’s own secessionist regions have just as long and bloody a history with Russia as other secessionist regions such as Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia do with their own rulers. But Moscow feels comfortable that, in the short term, it can hold its own regions together (mostly by physical force). Still, Moscow will have to look to the longer term to keep regions like Chechnya from demanding their own independence, especially as the West searches for various levers inside Russia’s borders to strap Moscow down. In fact, even the vast bulk of the Russian-dominated, Russia-friendly states in the former Soviet Union will shy away from recognizing a decision that could spark separatist movements within their own borders.
The second, larger issue is what Georgia will do now. Russian troops still occupy parts of Georgia and all of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Georgian military is also depleted and fractured from its week-long war with Russia. Moreover, though Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili continues to rail against the Russians, most Georgians just want the aggressions on all sides to cease. The recognition of the secessionist regions changes things. Saakashvili — the leader who led his country into the disastrously failed war — has seen his ability to influence his people fall. In some ways, the Russian action is precisely what he needs to rally everyone around the flag once again. Russia formally is breaking Georgia into pieces, and Tbilisi now must decide if it wants to bow and break or rise again — though the latter is nearly impossible without outside help.
This is where the largest wildcard comes in: international response. Western powerhouses like Germany and the United States will not follow Russia’s lead in recognizing South Ossetia and Abkhazia’s independence; they have stated that repeatedly. They also did not come to the aid of Georgia — which is up for NATO membership — when Russia invaded, essentially throwing it to the wolves. Russia is now crossing the line once again with Georgia, baiting a Western response.
The stakes have been raised once again across the board. While NATO warships sail into the Black Sea near Georgia, Russia is again goading Georgia and the West into action — pushing the issues of whether Georgia wants to remain a state and whether the West has the wherewithal to stand up to a strong Russia again.

Russia warns Moldova against "Georgian mistake"

Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:31am EDT
By Denis Dyomkin
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned ex-Soviet Moldova on Monday against repeating Georgia's mistake of trying to use force to seize back control of a breakaway region.
Russia sent peacekeepers to Moldova in the early 1990s to end a conflict between Chisinau and its breakaway Transdniestria region and is trying to mediate a deal between the two sides.
Transdniestria, one of a number of "frozen conflicts" on the territory of the former Soviet Union, mirrored the standoff between Georgia and its rebel regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia until they erupted in war earlier this month.
Russia sent troops to Georgia to crush Tbilisi's military push into South Ossetia and Moscow says Georgia has now lost the chance of ever re-integrating the breakaway provinces.
"After the Georgian leadership lost their marbles, as they say, all the problems got worse and a military conflict erupted," Medvedev told Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin.
"This is a serious warning, a warning to all," he added. "And I believe we should handle other existing conflicts in this context."
As the two leaders spoke in Medvedev's Black Sea residence in Sochi, Russian lawmakers were voting non-binding resolutions urging the Kremlin to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states.
That would be a nightmare scenario for Moldova which fears Russia could recognize Transdniestria, a pro-Moscow region in Moldova.
Medvedev, keen to limit diplomatic damage caused by the Russian operation in Georgia, made clear Moldova had no reason to worry for now.
"We have agreed ... to meet and discuss the Transdniestria settlement," he told Voronin. "I think there is a good reason to do this today. I see good prospects of reaching a settlement."
Medvedev's spokeswoman Natalya Timakova later told reporters the two leaders had agreed to hold a fresh round of talks on Transdniestria soon.
"Russia is ready to continue its efforts towards finally solving the Transdniestrian crisis," she told reporters.
Russia is currently trying to forge a deal between Chisinau and Transdniestrian separatists which would keep the rebel region as part of Moldova but give it broad autonomy.
The Russian-brokered deal would also allow Transdniestria to leave Moldova should the former Soviet state decide to join their ethnic kin in EU member Romania.
Several years ago, Moldova rejected a similar deal under a strong pressure from NATO. But now Voronin appears to treat the Russian mediation more favorably.
The Moldovan leader told Medvedev he had indeed learned the lesson: "Thank God, during all these years...we had enough brains and reserve not to allow a similar deterioration of situation."
"Frozen conflicts are a real volcano which can blow up anytime," Voronin added. "That is why taking into account what had happened elsewhere it would be useful if we exercised again such wisdom not to allow such things to repeat in our country."
(Writing by Oleg Shchedrov; Editing by Jon Boyle)

MEP Tunne Kelam calls to boost NATO's military presence in Estonia
10:33, 25. august 2008TALLINN, Aug 25, BNS - Member of the European Parliament Tunne Kelam in his speech at a rally in Tallinn over the weekend called to beef up the military presence of NATO in Estonia because of military threat from Russia, SL Ohtuleht reported.
Against the backdrop of increased risk of aggression, Estonia should also increase defence spending, Kelam said at a meeting on Saturday to mark the passage of 21 years from the landmark 1987 Hirvepark rally in Tallinn held on the anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty and its secret protocols.
The remarks from Kelam, of the conservative Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL), came on the same day when a prominent US military analyst called to increase NATO's presence on the ground in the Baltic countries.
Kelam told SL Ohtuleht he didn't know about Kagan's article before his speech and the article came as a surprise for him.
Such coincidences show that the situation's ripe for change, he added.
Ain Seppik, vice chair of the opposition Center Party group in parliament and member of the parliamentary committee supervising the work of the country's secret services, described Kelam's idea as alien to him.
"I don't like foreign troops in Estonia in principle," he said.
Seppik said that Estonia can demonstrate its NATO member's status also in other ways and that this is being done enough already in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seppik did agree, however, that NATO has done relatively little for Estonia for the time being.
"NATO should better supply our defence forces and thus boost Estonia's military capabilities," Seppik said.
Just like Kelam, Seppik underlined that Estonia's expenditures for national defense must increase and no cuts must be made in them even under the austerity plan.
Senior Reform Party policymaker Jurgen Ligi, former minister of defense, said in his comments to the daily that first one must remember that Estonian military installations already are NATO bases and that the Amari air base, for instance, is a NATO air base.
Ligi said he considers Kelam's line of thinking to be right, as it is namely in the framework of NATO that Estonia must build its security.
"Russia's actions now are based on the logic of criminals -- if you beat someone, you get respect," Ligi said, adding that therefore it would not be bad if NATO showed its strength.
Fred Kagan, the intellectual author of the successful US "troop surge" plan in Iraq, believes NATO's presence in the Baltics must be massively strengthened to pre-empt the risk of them being invaded in the same way as Georgia.
Kagan, an expert on the Russian military who has the ear of hawks within the US administration, said in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph that the West needs to match words with deeds if it is to stop Russia turning into an "intolerable, aggressive imperialistic" power.
"We need to help these countries develop sophisticated air defense and anti-tank capabilities that don't pose any offensive threat to Russia, but promise the possibility of very high casualties were they to attempt what they did in Georgia," said Kagan.
"NATO has to make a fundamental decision here about its legal and ethical obligations, and the only way we can really fulfil them is to help these countries defend themselves in advance of an attack," he said.
At present, Kagan pointed out, there would be little to prevent Russia rolling across the border as they did into South Ossetia. Despite all the three Baltic countries now being members of NATO, the alliance has done little to help them build up robust anti-tank capabilities, sophisticated air defense systems, or large reserve armies.
Although any Russian action against a full NATO member would be a far greater act of aggression than its recent incursion into Georgia, Moscow might be tempted to try it in the Baltics as a way of testing NATO's resolve, knowing that the alliance might dither about deploying even conventional forces straightaway. Turning each country into a defensive "porcupine", Kagan argues, would make such a move almost unthinkable in the first place.
"I think that Russia does have designs on the Baltic states, and they have established a precedent in Georgia where they think they can use force to defend Russian minorities in other countries," he said.
Alastair Cameron, head of the European Security Program at the Royal United Services Institute, agreed that the invasion of Georgia had caused "tremendous concern" within the Baltics as to whether existing defences were adequate, but doubted that there would be any dramatic ramping up straightaway.
"Had Lithuania or Estonia been the target of the recent Russian campaign, they would have been in a position to take ground in a very similar way to how they did in Georgia," he said.
"I think we are still very much at the diplomatic level in terms of dealing with these kind of disputes at present, but I would think that something like might be on the table in terms of long-term defensive planning measures," he told The Sunday Telegraph.
Tallinn newsroom, +372 610 8862,


Today's announcement by President Medvedev that Russia will recognise South Ossetia and Abkhazia is unjustifiable and unacceptable. It will also not work. It is contrary to the principles of the peace agreement, which Russia recently agreed, and to recent Russian statements. It takes no account of the views of the hundreds of thousands of Georgians and others who have been forced to abandon their homes in the two territories.
Today's announcement further inflames an already tense situation in the region. We fully support Georgia's independence and territorial integrity, which cannot be changed by decree from Moscow. We again call on Russia to abide by international law as the basis for resolving this crisis; and to implement urgently and in full Russia's commitments to withdraw forces from Georgia to pre-7 August positions.
I am holding talks today with international partners and will be visiting Ukraine tomorrow to ensure the widest possible coalition against Russian aggression in Georgia.
Baltic states condemn Russian recognition of Georgian regions
Posted on : 2008-08-26 Author : DPA News Category : Europe
Riga - The Baltic states on Tuesday condemned Russia's decision to recognize two breakaway Georgian regions, saying it would not help finding solutions for peace in the region. Russia's decision to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia was a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, Lithuania's Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas said.
"Russia's move is a deliberate breach of international law and the principles of stability in Europe," Estonia's Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said.
"Estonia, like all European Union and NATO member states, adheres firmly to the principles of Georgia's territorial integrity. This decision does nothing to help stabilize the situation or improve the prospect of peace in the Caucasus," he added.
"This decision will only complicate looking for solutions in the region," Latvia's Foreign Minister Maris Riekstins told Latvian national radio.,baltic-states-condemn-russian-recognition-of-georgian-regions.html#


Window on Eurasia: Yeltsin Laid the Foundations for Putinism, and Putin is Laying Groundwork for Something Even Worse

Paul Goble
Vienna, August 25 – Boris Yeltsin's support for the rise of the oligarchs and the latter's decision to turn to the siloviki in order to protect themselves from any challenge from the people laid the foundations for Vladimir Putin to construct his increasingly authoritarian regime, according to the leader of the liberal Yabloko party.
But as depressing as that trend has been, several articles in the Russian press today called attention to the appearance of a new history textbook for Russian school children which argues that Stalin's terror was justified as "an instrument of development," a message which suggests Putin has plans for an even more draconian system than the one he oversees now.
During a news conference last Thursday that was overshadowed by events in the Caucasus, Yabloko head Sergei Mitrokhin presented his argument step by step, suggesting that Russia's democrats must better understand both what has gone wrong since 1991 and how they failed to counter it (
"The Yeltsin regime," Mitrokhin said, "established the oligarchy under the cover of democracy." The oligarchs played "the key role in economics" and thus took "part of [political] power" into their own hands. Fearful that "society could overthrow this system, the oligarchs called for the help of the siloviki," the Russian term for those in the security apparatus.
But it rapidly turned out, the Yabloko leader said, that "the siloviki did not become simple marionettes" as the oligarchs had expected, but established their own rules," rules that meant the oligarchs could continue to play a dominant role in the economy but only if they allowed the siloviki to control politics.
"And those oligarchs who did not want to live according to the rules established by the officers of the special services," Mitrokhin continued, "have suffered."
According to the Yabloko head, Russia's democrats must not only understand this but "acknowledge their own past mistakes since some of them supported the Yeltsin system and others insufficiently effectively struggled against it." And they must be prepared to revise their understanding of democracy.
"Over the course of the 20th century," he said, "the communists wanted to construct a just society without freedom. This experiment failed after 70 years. At the end of the 20th century, [Russia's] democrats attempted to construct a free society, sacrificing justice in pursuit of that aim. That attempt failed after ten years."
If they are to have a role in Russia anytime soon, he concluded, Russia's democrats must draw as the most important lesson of the 20th century: "there is no freedom without justice and there is no justice without freedom." Those who speak "only for freedom," he said, "have not learned any of the lessons of the past."
But as unfortunate as Russia's moves away from democracy over the last decade have been, a new development, reported today by "Vremya novostei" among other Russian news outlets, points to an even more depressing future because it involves what the Kremlin wants Russian children to learn about the Stalinist past (
The Russian educational establishment is preparing a new textbook on "The History of Russia, 1900 to 1945," and has already sent out guidance to teachers about the new book's most important conclusions so they will be ready to inculcate them in the minds of the pupils for whom they are responsible.
This textbook, in the words of its authors, focuses "on the explanation of the motives and logic of the actions of those in power." In short, the history students are supposed to absorb and master, the newspaper says, "is in the first instance the history of the powers that be." "There is no history of the people."
And because this text focuses on one of the most politically controversial periods of Russian history, its authors clearly have sought to reflect the views of those who are in power now, the paper continues. And it provides a long list of the specific conclusions the book offers. Among the most tendentious are the following:
The book insists that the Russian Revolution followed the model of the French revolution, that "in the civil war, the Bolsheviks were guilty but at the same time, the White movement represented an alternative pro-fascist direction," that "there was no organized famine in the countryside of the USSR," and that the Soviet Union in the 1930s built not socialism or capitalism but "an industrial society."
Moreover, it insists that "the Molotov-Ribbentrop was a response to the Munich accords," "the introduction of Soviet forces onto the territory of Poland in 1939 was for the liberation of the territories of Ukraine and Belarus," and the absorption of the Baltic states and Bessarabia was appropriate because "earlier they were part of the Russian Empire."
The Finnish winter war, the textbook says, was won by the Soviet Union which gained what it sought. And it suggests that Stalin was preparing for "a preventive strike against Germany" but had not had time before Hitler struck to develop the Soviet military sufficiently to make such a strike effectively.
And among other things, the new instructional tool, while acknowledging that the NKVD did shoot Polish military prisoners at Katyn, argues that this was "a response to the lost of many (tens) of thousands of Red Army en in Polish prisons after the 1920 war, the initiator of which was not Soviet Russia, but Poland."
But the most disturbing passages concern Stalin and the Great Terror. According to the textbook, Stalin launched the great terror in order to maintain power and to block the actions of some kind of "fifth column" guided by Trotsky or some group of foreign states against him and his regime. The textbook tells teachers that "it is important to show that Stalin acted … in a completely rational way, as the protector of the system and as a consistent supporter of the transformation of the country into an industrial society, administered from a single center, as the leader of a country which was threatened with a big war in the most immediate future.
Thus, the book says, "terror was put to the service of the tasks of industrial development," with the organs dispatching engineers and other specialists "needed for the solution of defense and other tasks to the Far East and to Siberia. And it says that "the terror was transformed into a pragmatic instrument for the solution of economic tasks."
Last year, when the same group of textbook authors put out another text making some of the same points, including advancing the argument that Stalin was "an effective manager," there was an outcry among educators, commentators, and others throughout the Russian Federation. And many assumed that the new book would be different.
But now, the paper notes, "a year has passed. The effective manger has become the 'successful administrator. And mass terror has been explained from 'a rational point of view.' What has taken place in our country over the course of the year that the authors continue to advance such claims?"
But there is a larger question than that, on whose answer may depend the future of the Russian Federation and of the world. What kind of a country will Russia be and what kind of a government will Moscow have in a decade if its young people are taught such lessons – and what kind of relations will it and they have with the rest of the world?
Russia takes one step closer to a new Cold War

by Taras Kuzio, Special to Kyiv PostAug 26 2008, 10:06
The Russian parliament's unanimous endorsement of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia is a dangerous step towards conflict in the former Soviet Union and another step towards a new Cold War. In both instances Russia loses.
Western and Ukrainian apologists of Russia's new imperialism can no longer say, as they did until recently, that the Russian parliament undertook policies that were not always endorsed by the president.
This was the argument that was used under President Boris Yeltsin. Under President or Prime minister Vladimir Putin this argument is bogus. The Russian parliament is no longer an independent institution and, since Russia's last two elections, both houses of parliament are controlled by the executive as part of Russia's managed democracy and militocracy.
After recovering from its nationalistic hangover Russia, in promoting territorial expansionism towards Georgia, will lose the new Cold War.
Russia's de facto annexation opens up a pandora's box among former Soviet republics and within the Russian Federation itself. If South Ossetia and Abkhazia can be independent, then why not Transdniestr, Nagorno-Karabakh or Chechnya?
Russia's relations with its Commonwealth of Independent States neighbors will deteriorate, leading to a negative impact on Russia's hopes for CIS integration. The loss of South Ossetia and Abkhazia will make it easier for Georgia to enter NATO, just like the loss of Kosovo has made it easier for Serbia to join the European Union.
Russia's imperialism in Georgia will also return support levels in Ukraine for NATO membership to their pre-Iraqi invasion levels when a third of Ukraine's population backed membership. Obtaining 51 percent in a referendum is easier to accomplish when your starting base is 33 percent, rather than 20 percent. Any attempt at repeating the Putin Doctrine in the Crimea would increase support in Ukraine for NATO membership to over a third.
Russia will lose out in any Cold War confrontation with the West, as the USSR lost in the 1990s when it competed with Ronald Reagan's USA. Russia's highly corrupt autocratic regime has neither the resources, ideology nor allies that the USSR possessed, factors which still did not prevent the Soviet Union from losing the Cold War and disintegrating. Perhaps Russia's new rulers should be advised to watch the recent U.S. film "Charlie's War" on U.S. support to the Afghan freedom fighters in the 1980s.
Russia's new imperialism will increase the chances that U.S. Sen. John McCain will win this year's U.S. elections, the candidate least liked by Moscow.
The near unanimous Western criticism of Russian imperialism in Georgia (even the passive EU has called an extraordinary meeting on Sept. 1) has pushed many non-committal NATO members towards support for Ukrainian and Georgian inclusion into NATO Membership Action Plans at the December review meeting.
Russia's new imperialism is the last stage of the disintegration of the Soviet empire that was delayed during the Yeltsin era by many years of alcoholism, mass corruption and a brutal invasion of Chechnya. As in the 1980s, Russia will ultimately lose again and face its own disintegration.


Congressman Thaddeus McCotter Central and Eastern Europe Policy Recommendations
*President Bush should publicly urge the European Union to accelerate accession and partnership negotiations with Ukraine and Georgia.
*Congress should authorize a large-scale Foreign Military Financing (FMF) assistance package to CEE countries (possibly authorizing American military advisors to be placed in CEE- with the permission of host countries).*Congress should authorize qualified, non-NATO CEE allies to receive the same Foreign Military Sales (FMS) preferential treatment as NATO+3 (Australia, Japan, and NZ). *Congress should authorize additional Economic Support Funding (ESF) to Georgia to repair its damaged infrastructure.
* President Bush has directed the United States Permanent Representative to NATO to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States at NATO to ensure NATO offers Membership Action Plans (MAP) to Georgia and the Ukraine and indefinitely suspends high level NATO-Russia Council (NRC) meetings, the President and Congress should continue these efforts.
*Congress should enact a series of triggers to end Russia's PNTR and sanction Russia with Column Two Tariff Rates if they attack a CEE country.*Congress should enact Representative Chris Smith’s Belarus Democracy Reauthorization Act.*Eventually, Congress and the President need to agree to classify large-scale, organized cyber attacks against government web sites constitute an act of aggression.
*Convene a Joint Session of Congress for Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to address the vital importance of maintaining the sovereignty, security, and liberty of the Georgian people and her CEE neighbors.
How to contact your congressman about Russian invasion of Georgia
1. Dail 1-202-225-3121 and you will be connected to the main Congressional switchboard, the operator will answer.
2. Ask the operator to transfer you to your Representative’s office.
3. Your call will be transferred to your congressman’s office, and when the person answers, simply say “Hello, my name is________, I live in_________(name your city), and I would like Congressman________ to sign Congressman McCotter’s letter which invites Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvilli to address a joint session of congress.”
4. Often, the congressional office will ask for your name and address so the Member of Congress may acknowledge your call by writing you a letter. Do not worry that you will be asked to justify or explain the policy behind your phone call. These are routine calls that each office is accustomed to, and it will go smoothly and quickly.
From Saul Anuzis’ Blog:
It's Time For Congress To Take Stand Against Russian Aggression
Posted by: saul_anuzis
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 04:08PM
Throughout the past decade, Lt. Colonel Putin has led Russia back to an authoritarian model of governance, including: the repression of a free media, harassment of opposition political parties, nationalizing business interests or passing ownership to former KGB leaders, and menacing its neighbors. While this is different from Soviet totalitarianism in certain respects, it is every bit as insidious when Russian tanks roll through a free and sovereign country to serve Putin’s goal of reestablishing a grip on Russia’s "near abroad."
Over the past few days, I’ve reflected on Ronald Reagan’s strong convictions about human liberty, his alliance with Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II, and the power of Reagan’s policies and words. His leadership helped transform the former "Captive Nations" into free nations. This has served as an encouragement to me to engage this battle to support Georgia and to try to mobilize others.
One of my favorite recollections about Reagan came from former Soviet "refusenik" Nathan Sharansky, one of the great human rights activists who worked to topple the Soviet Empire, Sharansky tells us about the aftermath of Ronald Reagan’s "Evil Empire" speech, which was met with great derision by the politically-correct left-leaning intelligentsia in the West. But in the cells of Moscow’s notorious Lubyanka Prison, and throughout the gulag, prisoners tapped out code to their neighboring cells passing along Reagan’s powerful words and convictions about freedom. Sharansky once wrote:
“The first time I met President Reagan I told him this story. I felt free to tell him everything. I told him of the brilliant day when we learned about his Evil Empire speech from an article in Pravda or Izvestia that found its way into the prison. When I said that our whole block burst out into a kind of loud celebration and that the world was about to change, well, then the president, this great tall man, just lit up like a schoolboy. His face lit up and beamed. He jumped out of his seat like a shot and started waving his arms wildly and calling for everyone to come in to hear "this man's" story. It was really only then that I started to appreciate that it wasn't just in the Soviet Union that President Reagan must have suffered terrible abuse for this great speech, but that he must have been hurt at home too. It seemed as though our moment of joy was the moment of his own vindication. That the great punishment he had endured for this speech was worth it.”
It’s time. For geo-political strategic purposes, and because it is the right thing to do, let’s make our voices heard in this important time.
Latvia pulls out of joint military exercise with Russia

25/08/2008 17:53 RIGA, August 25 (RIA Novosti) - The Latvian government has decided not to send troops to take part in a regional military exercise in Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, the government press service said Monday.
The Latvian Defense Ministry said the decision to stay away from the Balex Delta exercise, due to take place on August 26-28 in the Kaliningrad region, had been caused by "a change of NATO's general priorities."
Relations between Russia and NATO soured following Russia's military operation in Georgia.
Earlier, a number of Western countries announced their refusal to participate in joint exercises with Russia, while Moscow said it would not allow a U.S. warship to call at a port on the Far Eastern Kamchatka Peninsula.
The United States refused to let a Russian ship participate in NATO's Operation Active Endeavor naval antiterrorism exercise.
Russia's NATO envoy announced Thursday that the Russian Defense Ministry was temporarily suspending military cooperation with NATO until a political decision on relations had been made.
NATO foreign ministers said after talks last Tuesday that the alliance was freezing contacts with Russia until it pulled its troops out of Georgia, but stopped short of stronger measures.

Chkhikvadze: Russia did not, is not and will not threaten Lithuania
Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 26.08.2008.
Although Russia finds Lithuania"s position on the military conflict in Georgia unfair, Moscow will strive for the bilateral relations between Lithuania and Russia to develop positively, Russian Ambassador to Lithuania Vladimir Chkhikvadze claims.
Vladimir Chkhikvadze.
After the meeting with Foreign Minister Petras Vaitiekunas on Monday, the ambassador assured that Russia does not intend "to reckon with those who fail to agree with us." "We did not, are not and will not threaten Lithuania. We do not feel threat from Lithuania to Russia"s national security either (...). We are interested in normal development of our bilateral relations, most importantly for the neighborhood relations to be good, and to countries" relations to be considered," Chkhikvadze told ELTA journalists.
On the other hand, the ambassador claimed that in Moscow"s opinion, Lithuania"s position to actively support Georgia was "single-sided and unfair." Moreover, the ambassador is concerned about the purportedly "obviously unfriendly statements towards Russia" expressed by some officials.
I have expressed concern regarding the fact that the actions against Russia were organized, initiated and provoked by those people who have high state or public posts and to whose opinion people listen," Chkhikvadze claimed.
Vaitiekunas also expressed hope that differing attitudes will not determine the worsening of bilateral relations. "No threats or political direction to worsen these relations have been expressed," Vaitiekunas said after the meeting with the ambassador.
On the other hand, according to the minister, it has been acknowledged that the positions of Lithuania and Russia differ. "We stated that our positions on this issue differ, especially when the Russian Duma has now passed a statement, urging the Russian Government to acknowledge the independence of Abkhazia and [Southern – ELTA] Osetia," Vaitiekunas claimed.
The head of the Lithuanian diplomacy also denied rebukes that Lithuania unfairly evaluated the military conflict between Russia and Georgia.
"I think that Lithuania looks at this crisis between Russia and Georgia in a very objective way. I have expressed Lithuania"s position – it, similarly to the positions of the EU and NATO, is based on the acknowledgment of Georgia"s territorial integrality and sovereignty," Vaitiekunas said.

Jursenas: EU countries should soften relation with Belarus

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 26.08.2008.
Lithuanian Seimas Speaker Ceslovas Jursenas thinks that European countries should soften relations with Belarus.
Ceslovas Jursenas.
According to the Lithuanian Radio, the head of state is going to express such a suggestion at the conference of the heads of parliaments of the Nordic and Baltic states, which is scheduled to begin in Jurmala on Tuesday. Lithuania considers the release of political prisoners in the country to be a serious signal from Belarus to the Euro-Atlantic community. In the middle of Augustm the Belarussian president ordered to release Aleksandr Kozulin, one of the opposition leaders, his former rival in the presidential elections in 2006.
According to Jursenas, these facts should encourage the West to reconsider its position. "The position on Belarus could change, because we have seen bright new facts – the release of political prisoners and especially that of Kozulin. This is not a simple thing, this is a real event and I think that this should encourage thinking whether further harsh isolation policy towards Belarus is necessary. Maybe it should be softened a bit," the Seimas speaker claimed.
Foreign Minister Petras Vaitiekunas also shares this opinion.
"Belarus is changing its position towards the West, I think we should also think about accepting these signals sent by this county," he said on Monday. Currently official relations with Belarus are not developed properly and president Aleksandr Lukashenko is not permitted to go to the EU member states.
ZE08082208 - 2008-08-22Permalink:

Envoy Named for Centenary of Lithuania Apparitions
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 22, 2008 ( Benedict XVI named the archbishop of Cologne, Germany, to be his special envoy at the 400th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Lithuania.The Holy See announced Thursday the appointment of Cardinal Joachim Meisner for the Sept. 13-14 event in Siluva.Mary appeared in Siluva in 1608 to non-Catholics. Little shepherds saw what they described as a beautiful woman, dressed in white and blue, with a baby in her arms, enveloped in gentle splendor. The Lady wept bitterly and suddenly disappeared.
Subsequently, the Virgin, again weeping, appeared to a crowd that had formed at the site where the children indicated. The town's Calvinist pastor was among the group.
An icon of the Virgin that had belonged to the village's former Catholic church was found in the place of the apparitions. The icon had remained hidden for almost 100 years. In the wake of those events, and after several miraculous cures, this apparition brought Lithuania to return to the faith after 80 years of Calvinism.
The event was recognized by a papal decree published by Pius VI on Aug. 17, 1775. Siluva is now Lithuania's most important Marian shrine. The Pope will be in France during the festivities, marking another anniversary of Marian apparitions: the 150th anniversary of the Virgin's appearances at Lourdes.
Compliments: Ramute Zukas
Average earnings in Lithuania in II quarter of 2008 increased by 25.2%

Vilija LapÄ—nienÄ—, Statistics Lithuania, 26.08.2008.
Statistics Lithuania informs that average monthly gross earnings in the whole economy (excluding individual enterprises) in II quarter 2008 made LTL 2236.8 and against II quarter 2007 increased by 22.5%, in the public sector – LTL 2287.2 (increased by 23.8%), in the private sector – LTL 2208.0 (increased by 21.7%).
In II quarter 2008 against I quarter 2008, average monthly gross earnings increased: in the whole economy – by 4.0%, in the public sector – by 5.0%, in the private sector – by 3.4%.
The rise in earnings over II quarter 2008 as compared to I quarter 2008 was conditioned by the higher number of working days, the rise in salaries and wages for health care employees from 1 May and rise in salary coefficients for teachers.
Average monthly net earnings in the whole economy (excluding individual enterprises) in II quarter 2008 made LTL 1713.1 and against II quarter 2007 increased by 25.2%; in the public sector – by LTL 1749.8 and were by 26.5% higher than in II quarter 2007; in the private sector – by LTL 1692.0 and were by 24.4% higher as compared to II quarter 2007.
Average monthly net earnings in II quarter 2008 against I quarter 2008 in the whole economy increased by 3.8%, in the public sector – by 4.7%, in the private sector – by 3.2%.
Real earnings in the whole economy (excluding individual enterprises) in II quarter 2008 and against II quarter 2007 increased by 11.7%, in the public sector – by 12.8%, in the private sector – by 11.0%.
In II quarter 2008 against I quarter 2008, real earnings increased: in the whole economy – by 0.7%, in the public sector – by 1.6%, in the private sector – by 0.1%.
Table 1. Average monthly gross earnings by economic sector 1, category of employees and sex, 2008, by quarter, LTL


In June 2008 industrial new orders growth in Latvia and in Lithuania – among highest in EU

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 25.08.2008.
In June 2008 compared with May 2008, the euro area (EA15) industrial new orders index fell by 0.3%. In the EU27 new orders decreased by 0.1% in June 2008, Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, reports.
In June 2008 compared with June 2007, industrial new orders fell by 7.4% in the euro area and by 6.6% in the EU27. In June industrial new orders growth in Lithuania was one of the highest in the EU, writes ELTA.
In June 2008 compared with May 2008, new orders for textiles & textile products grew by 2.2% in the euro area and remained stable in the EU27. Electrical & electronic equipment increased by 1.4% in the euro area, but fell by 0.6% in the EU27. Manufacturing of chemicals & chemical products rose by 1.0% and 2.0% respectively. Basic metals & fabricated metal products increased by 0.8% in the euro area and by 1.6% in the EU27. Machinery & equipment fell by 1.1% in the euro area, but gained 2.2% in the EU27. Transport equipment decreased by 3.7% and 6.0% respectively.
In June 2008, among the Member States for which data are available, total manufacturing working on orders rose in nine and fell in nine. The highest increases were recorded in Latvia (+31.0%), Portugal (+8.0%) and Hungary (+6.1%), and the largest decreases in Denmark (-21.8%), Ireland (-9.7%) and Germany (-3.5%).
In June 2008 compared with June 2007, new orders for basic metals & fabricated metal products increased by 4.6% in the euro area and by 6.1% in the EU27.
Manufacturing of chemicals & chemical products rose by 3.8% and 3.2% respectively. Machinery & equipment decreased by 2.8% in the euro area and by 0.6% in the EU27. Manufacturing of electrical & electronic equipment dropped by 3.7% and 3.0% respectively. Textiles & textile products declined by 9.6% in the euro area and by 8.0% in the EU27. Transport equipment fell by 29.8% and 26.2% respectively.
In June 2008, among the Member States for which data are available, total manufacturing working on orders rose in eleven and fell in seven. The highest increases were registered in Romania (+27.8%), Latvia (+26.9%) and Lithuania (+22.9%), and the most significant falls in France (-16.9%), Spain (-6.5%), the Czech Republic and Germany (both –6.0%).

Chinese immigrants in Vilnius don’t want to leave the country
Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 25.08.2008.
The Chinese illegally living in Vilnius will be most likely deported from Lithuania by force. The foreigners living on the campus in Sauletekis state that they do not want to leave the country, because they might lose their earned 15,000 dollars.
Under the decision of Vilnius City Migration Service, six Chinese were to leave Lithuania till Saturday. Four of them agreed to do that and the remaining two refused to go to the airport, despite the persuasion of the police and Gintaras Baguzis, head of the Migration Service, informs ELTA.

It is likely that the Chinese have been deceived by the alleged representatives of fraud employment agency. The Chinese were promised to receive a big payment for their work, but neither the job nor the promised money was given to them.